How to Prepare for an Optimal Neurofeedback Session

Neuropotential Clinics • Apr 25, 2022

How to Prepare for an Optimal Neurofeedback Session


You’ve booked your first neurofeedback training session and are wondering what you can do to prepare. Or perhaps you’ve had several training sessions already and are wondering what you can do to achieve optimal results. Whatever the case, this is what you can do before your neurofeedback session to maximize the benefits and potentially speed up your progress.

Try to be well-rested

Try to get enough sleep the night before your neurofeedback session, as drowsiness can cause you to receive altered feedback or less feedback than you should. Neurofeedback is a learning process so it is important to make sure your brain has enough energy to learn. Think of your next neurofeedback session as if it were a study session or work meeting, and aim to be well-rested for it. Remember, a child should be getting about 10-12 hours, an adolescent needs 9 hours and adults need between 7 to 8 hours. 

When selecting a time for your neurofeedback session, try to consider not only your availability but also when you will have the most energy. Perhaps, you have the most energy in the mornings before work or school. Or maybe, you are a night owl and are therefore more alert during the late afternoons. If you find that you regularly feel tired during your sessions, consider switching your next session to a different time of day. 

Avoid recreational substances 

You can continue to use prescription drugs for your mental or physical health while on neurofeedback therapy. However, avoid taking drugs such as alcohol, nicotine and cannabis 24 hours before your appointment as they can cross the blood-brain barrier and change EEG activity. For example, alcohol is a depressant because it slows the brain down and therefore consuming alcohol before a neurofeedback session will lead to more difficulty with focus and alertness. In addition, caffeine is a stimulant so try to not consume too much of it before your appointment. 

Wear little to no hair product 

Hair products such as gels and conditioners can sometimes make it difficult for EEG sensors to make good contact with your scalp, increasing set-up time. Excessive hair products can even interfere with EEG recording and cause inaccurate results. Therefore, for better results and a faster set-up time, try to come to your neurofeedback session with freshly-rinsed and dried hair. 

Bring your prescription eyewear 

During your session, you will most likely be watching a computer screen as it repeatedly dims and brightens. If you need glasses or contact lenses, it is important to wear them during your appointment to reduce eye tension during the training session. Glasses are preferred over contact lenses, because they can be drying to the eyes which will increase blinking rate, but the choice is ultimately yours. 

Have a meal

Lastly, try to schedule a meal or snack one to three hours before your appointment so that you are not distracted due to hunger! This is especially important for young children, who may not vocalize that they are hungry. 

Next Steps

We hope these tips were helpful and make a difference during your next neurofeedback training session. If you want more information regarding our Neurofeedback services, click here to contact us.

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